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What does "Grid Connected" mean?

Industry News

What does "Grid Connected" mean?


Most homes select to install "grid-connected" Solar PV systems. This type of system has a number of great benefits, not only for the individual home-owner but for the community and environment at large. The systems are much cheaper to install and involve far less maintenance than "off-grid" systems. Generally speaking, off-grid systems are used in very remote locations where power is not available or where the grid is very unreliable.

The "grid" we are referring to of course is the physical connection that most residential homes and businesses have with their electricity providers. Those power-poles we're all so familiar with are an integral part of "the grid". By installing a "grid-connected" Solar System to your home you are not "unplugging" from the grid but you become for a part your own electricity generator.

The electricity you produce via your solar panels is used first and foremost in powering your own home. Its preferable to design the system as much as possible for 100% own use. You can apply for net metering, and in that case you can sell the excess of electricity back to the DU.


Below is a selection of commonly asked-for information, as well as information we need in order to provide consultation.

Basic Information:

· The highest efficiency of the panels can be reached when they point to the

south in a 10 - 15 degree angle.

· Surface area needed is 7 square meter per KW peak 

· Dimension of our current panels (340 Watt poly panels) is 992 mm x 1956 mm

· Dimension of our current panels (445 Watt mono panels) is 1052 mm x 2115 mm

· Weight of the panels is 23~24 kg

· 1 KW peak produces around 3.5~5 KW per day (in the year average)

· Avoid shadow on the panels

· The return of investment is around 5 years for grid systems

· Panels and mounting structures have a 10 year warranty (25 years performance 80%)

· Inverters have a 4~5 year warranty

Information we need:

· How much roof top space is available

· What kind of roof is it (flat roof or not, structure, type of surface material, etc)

· What kind of electrical system you have (2 phase or 3 phase, 230 Volts or 400 Volts)

· How much you pay per KW (important for ROI simulation)

· Your actual electricity bill

· Your consumption in daytime (8am - 5pm)

We can provide grid tied systems, off grid systems as well as hybrid systems, depending on the location, the availability of electricity, brownout situation or special customer wishes. Grid tied systems cover your daytime consumption. Perfect for facilities that use energy at daytime when the electricity is produced, like restaurants, bars, schools, offices etc.

If we know your electricity consumption during the day, we will be able to design a system that suits your individual needs best.

A major benefit of utilizing a Solar Power System, is that it can grow with you. As your power needs increase, you can simply add more capacity to your existing system.